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Theme Sits
Theme Sits!

Get premium templates today for your business at affordable price!

Download A Theme, Customize & Use!


Our Rules

Themesits Is a free website that offers premium templates to the world!

This rules does not affect a visitor of Themesits but a buyer of a template on Themesits.

How To Buy: Themesits doesn't provide search bar, all our templates are displayed on a page, with a next button option to go to the next page.

Once successful found the template of your choice, You can pay With credit Card And have your template download automatically once payment is processed successfully.

What If i Need Help: Themesits will be happy to help you on the design to fit your needs but we don't offer help on your back-end.

What if I want a refund: Please before you purchase any template on Themesits, make sure it is exactly what you want, we can help on the design aspect to make sure you are happy! but for now we don't offer refused, we may think of that in the future, please note that once paid refund not possible.

if you have any question(s) about our rules, please don't hesitate to reach out to us by E-mail:

Theme Sits @2020